Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I just cannot go on any longer without somehow documenting my unique experiences in La-La Land. After almost four years I am finally adjusting to the transition from a Portland Rose.

Anyone remember the movie Hook? It was one of my favorites growing up. I love the part where the children (who never want to grow old) begin to feast on imaginary food. Peter Pan is unable to see any of the great deliciousness until he believes! Without dreams, courage, and passion, Never-Never Land would not only cease to exist, but it also wouldn't be the magical journey of self discovery Peter was destined to experience.  

Never-never Land is the perfect way to describe Los Angeles to me. As a make-up artist, an au pair, visual stylist, and an ex fashion student...my experiences may seem and sound like a discombobulated bag of artistic thoughts. It is just that, that brings me to sharing my marbles!

I plan to give frequent make-up tutorials, styling tips, DIY money saving projects, and tell alls about my life in Los Angeles. I will give an insight on the best beauty products available, great places to go, wonderful sights to see, and where memories should be made. I have a huge passion for revamping spaces and recycling home decor which I will also share. Be prepared for step-by-step projects and a variety of before and after photos. 

I am so looking forward to revealing my journey of self discovery and survival in this big city-on a budget!

Tootles for now.